Thursday, March 3

One Week of Solitude

I'm taking a week out from the YCN project to focus on the Penguin cover competition. This year the title is One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Yesterday I mostly cut leaves out of nice colour paper. Today I plan on doing something a bit more substantial! But I do quite like the leaves, perhaps they will be a new set of collages for Etsy... 
It's quite a tricky book as it revolves around 100 years in the life of a family in central America. They re-use christian names from one generation to the next, so flipping back to the family tree printed at the front of the book was somewhat necessary... It was quite like listening to your granny for a couple of hours - people, places and time sort of melted together!

+++++++ Update +++++++

Leaf collage now available in my Etsy shop!


Nikki Gardham said...

This week, I have been mostly eating Taramosalata.
Your phrasing in that post very much reminded me of the 'Jesse's Diet' section of the Fast Show...

Anna Betts said...

Ha! Yeah I always have that in mind actually. Taramasalata, now there's the perfect stinky food for a weekend with the flat to yourself. Damn it! I've only got tomorrow left, will have to get stocked up first thing... xx