I remembered this morning that there is a huge sale at the Salvation Army centre 4 miles out of Cambridge this week. I'd noticed the sign last week but totally forgot over the most hectic weekend I've had in ages.
On Friday, 13 of us jumped on a train to Edinburgh to run the marathon in team relays (my bit was 4.7 miles), and it was such an amazing experience. The heat was pretty unbearable - a freak 25 degree weekend in Scotland - but all three teams did amazingly, finishing at 3h 58mins, 4h 17ins and 4h 19mins. SO proud!
Today's haul of treasures was my way of treating myself and includes a sweet collection of old bottles, all decorated with lettering from local companies like Cambridge Lemonade, some early plastic dishes, and some vintage Corningware, an original pencil drawing of a boat and Hohner Melodica. The whole lot for a fiver, brilliant. Now if I could just lose the aching in my legs my day will be complete...