I can't help myself thinking of The Apprentice each time some new clay work is fired in the kiln. You'd think I'd stop saying it after nearly two years of teaching pottery, but alas no!
Anyway these are a couple of new tiles in the shop that were fired this week. I think they look quite cute.
I'm off to Porto with university on Sunday and am getting very excited! Today at uni we looked at our lecturers' sketchbooks that had been done whilst they travelled, reportage-style. There seems to be a big difference between making useful documents (that can inspire new work once you get back), and making pretty and complete pictures. All my favourite pages were quite rough, with bits of typography and collage which still described a lot about the place. I'm going to be on the lookout for ephemera while I'm there, and I've been concentrating on typography lately so I hope to get some good work done. All I need to do now is work out how to survive with hardly any clothes - our baggage limit is small and I want lots of art materials with me. Eeep!
I probably won't get a chance to blog tomorrow so have a fab weekend whatever you're up to, and see you in a week and a bit!