I've just finished my first week back at uni and am knackered!
We've got a brief to be drawing people that we don't know, so I've been to the hairdresser, the local library, bus station and greasy spoon to try and catch interesting types. The results are ranging from bad to awful so far... fingers crossed I'll improve!
We're also now doing a Photoshop module which seems quite fun, again we have to do character studies of strangers which we can then digitally manipulate so I anticipate lots of sitting in coffee shops with a sketchpad over the next month or so. I guess it could be worse!
I'm also in the process of designing a poster for a freakshow attraction for a typography project, and also need to research graphic novels for a seminar talk I have to give in 7 weeks! Erk. Anyway all's well and good, and I'm still loving the course :)
Hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend.