This morning I decided that after far too long, I would frame the best tea towels I've ever found whilst charity shopping. I bought both for £1.75 about 2 years ago and have never had the free wall space to show them until now. Since we moved into the new flat, all the goodies I've had hidden away are surfacing!
Unfortunately the way our living room is laid out means I couldn't get any long shots of them and the sofa but you'll have to imagine that the sofa is just underneath, and that I usually sit underneath where the pink tea towel is, and Jacob where the blue is. How cute!
In other exciting news, my work has had a mention over at
freshly{blended}, so welcome if you've found me from there! Thanks Nicole for the kind words :)
Well I better tear myself from the tennis on TV and go and teach my pottery club - depending on how the latest firing has gone I may have a new tile or two to show you soon...
Have a good afternoon!