Wednesday, July 29


Just had to toot my own horn a bit. I'm on the Etsy front page twice, at the same time!! I'm thrilled, and it explains all the new hearts on my shop. Yay! If you've found me because of this, Hello!


Louise said...

Well done! That's great makes it all worth it
/*\ (handsclapping)
squealing too

nath said...

check you out! whoo! well deserved! whoo!

helen said...

ooh i hadn't event thought till i saw that Etsy Finds that as I am going back to uni this year (after a break of four years) perhaps I could justify treating myself to a snazzy new pencil case. After all, I will be a mature student, and being organised and actually having what you need each day is the hallmark of a mature student!

Ursula said...

toot toot! You are so entitled to some horn tooting; that is very exciting AND well deserved. Congrats!