These were my latest finds from the car boot sale at the weekend (and Yes Ursula, people do sometimes sell straight out of the back of their cars, but usually have a trestle table!). The best finds for me were the printing blocks, not just because I love the mixed sizes and styles of letters but because of the graph paper block that I found! You won't have had to have read my blog for long to know that I'm pretty crazy for graph paper so you can imagine my excitement at the prospect of printing my own,
in any colour I want. Seriously, this is like the best thing
that's happened all year! I only wish the letterpress room at uni were open over summer but I fear I shall have to wait until October to try these little guys out :(
Until then, I will very much enjoy taking my little yellow suitcase (Jacob bought a matching red one) on our caravanning holiday in a few weeks with friends, deciding whether to keep sewing supplies or art materials in my vintage folding-out sewing box, and having imaginary tea parties with my newly
matching sugarbowl and milk jug!
oooh, love the printing blocks! and the sewing box, and the lion mug! sweet treasures!
the lion mug! what a find. dx.
Come to think of it, I could probably have a sale out of my car trunk as well; it acts as a catchall for my donations until I remember to drop them off one day when I'm out searching for more treasures. : )
Great finds, by the way! The graph paper block sounds like so much fun! (I wonder how many other people think that graph paper sounds "fun"...)
what an amazing haul. i can't believe that our local car boot sales are anything like as hip but maybe I ought to give them a go!!
What great finds, I love the printing blocks especially. How come whenever I go to car boots I only ever see junk, yet you and other people I know find treasures. Am I going to the wrong ones or am i just not looking hard enough?
Oh, I'd love to say it's just rotten luck, but to be honest I had to get down on my hands and knees and go through a cardboard box full of broken glass bottles and mud to find those printing blocks! They needed a good clean... keep at it though, half the fun is the hit and miss element I think. Even if you don't find anything worth buying, I always think it's worth going to meet people and have a chat about what you are after, incase they have an attic full!
anna, anna, anna. you lucky bugger! am drooling over everything...also had a good haul at our local junk shop - a little mini chest of drawers on legs and a gorge mirror...did a good deal!
loved ast week, had such fun...must do the place we missed next time!
oooh, Anna, what lovely finds! Especially love the letterpress letters. Yumm!!! :)
crikey, you do find some lovely things! am v.impressed by your rummaging, i'll have to try and find a car boot to go to this weekend, you've got me all inspired!
very very pretty finds :)
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