We're supposed to be moving house in less than two weeks. Which is great, I'm all for it, and I'm half packed already. Thing is, I already have quite a collection of bits and bobs that have caught my eye in charity shops over the last 7 years. You would think, that I would consider putting a stop to any frivolous buying between now and move day since it's all going to have to be bunged into a car and lugged up flights of brand new stairs. But no. I seemed to have bought a vintage child's toolkit...
I must be crazy, I have no children, I don't even believe the tools are usable, but it is just so cute! Tell me you don't love it. It so reminds me of one of the best exhibitions I've ever seen. And Jacob was as enthusiastic as I was for a change. Fiver well spent I say!
i'm with you! it's fantastic! love the baby blue handles and the whole box in fact. does that make you feel better? can you at least hold the tools or are they too small?
Oh, you could totally pretend to use them. they're child-scale I guess so you might look a little silly! The box measures about 16" tall so the tools are maybe 2/3 scale? I so want a "cabinet of curiosity" thing going on in our new flat!
Oh it's gorgeous and some things just aren't meant to be used!!
Oh how lovely. I personally, can never move. It's 20 years of collecting and rampaging boot fairs and charity shops that I am surrounded by. And the detrius of two daughters who have left home but never quite got around to shipping out everything. So, good luck with the move, get going while you still can!
Thanks Louise! I've had rather too much practice at moving house in the last few years so have it down to a fine art...but this move will be the last for a while I hope. I still have stuff stashed at my folks' too, don't remind me!
Lucky you! It's really an amazing find and might even come in handy for hanging very, very tiny child-sized pictures. Good luck with your move!
Thanks Stephanie, I do have some tiny child-sized pictures come to think of it...good thinking!
Good Luck with your move Anna -- your new find is totally fabulous - I love it!
art & light
This is so cute! Who cares about actually using it; it's beautiful.
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