Monday, September 22

The shapes we need

I've just been flicking through this amazing book and have got lots of ideas bubbling away now! The cover so reminded me of Francesa (Mrs Eliot Books)'s work I was instantly attracted to it, plus the cover has that gorgeous linen feel..yum. 

Unfortunately any ideas will have to wait a while as I have my first university lecture this morning on contextual studies. I'm really quite excited to sit in a lecture hall and take notes though! Also my after school pottery club for kids is back up and running so I need to think of something nice for them to do this afternoon... I'll get back to my own work tomorrow.


Francesca said...

ooooh i'm flattered! i love this cover. is it as good inside?

Anna Betts said...

Yeah it is actually, it's choc-full of lovely 60s-ish pictures of industry and I'm using the bridge on the cover as inspiration for our next print project.