Thursday, March 18

And we're back.

Didn't take me long to get back to bright colours did it?

After coveting Tif's beautiful collection of vintage knitting needles I decided that I was going to be good and frugal this week, ie no more buying 60's children's picturebooks on Abe Books, or anything else on ebay. But when I accidentally found myself in a charity shop yesterday (ignore the fact I'd parked up and put money in the meter round the corner, it was total chance I happened to be there.... OK?) there they were.

A box full of knitting needles, a lot of them brightly coloured in all shades of yellow, red, coral, turquoise and green and for 5p per pair. I can't even knit but my goodness they're nice to play with and sort into colours and pairs. I've actually had to put them in a cupboard upstairs so I can get on with some work today.

I need help people.


Francesca said...

i would like to roll them between my fingers like i do with spilikins. mmm i can just feel them now. anyhoo...

Anna Betts said...

Ooh yes! They make a rather wonderful tinkly sound too as they're old hard plastic. Yumm.

Nicky said...

Those are so cool! wish I could find such things in our charity shops in Oxford. In the meantime I'll just admire your purchases....good luck with the big project. I love the concept.