Sunday, November 23

I have mail

This arrived in the post on Friday and I love it! It's called ABC3D and is by Marion Bataille.
I was researching pop-up books and cards for a project and found it online, it's so beautiful and clever. I love that it's black white and red too, it makes it a bit more of a grown-up looking toy. I'd have made a video of it myself if I could a) be bothered and b) do a better job than this one. Neither of which seemed likely given my state of absolute lethargy this afternoon. I've been doing quite well cutting a very complicated pattern in lino though, although I fear I may develop a hunchback if I'm crouched over like some sort of printmaking hobbit for much longer...


Francesca said...

ooh this is on my christmas list!

Anonymous said...

that book looks amazing! x